News and Articles
Here you will find news and articles relating to Sowerby Bridge
- Work started on New Town Square for Sowerby Bridge
Work has started on a new town square for Sowerby Bridge, providing a flexible and welcoming space, with improved facilities for pedestrians.  The new Sowerby Bridge Square will be built on the site of the old market building and will include landscaping, with tree planting and rain gardens. The area will be welcoming with seating and space for a variety of events. Additional work in the area will also be taking place to improve footways, crossings and bus stop facilities along Wharf Street, adjacent to the new town square. Construction work on the square will begin on Thursday 1 August and will last around six months. Whilst work is underway, the Tuel Lane car park will be closed, as it will be used by contractors carrying out the works. Once the new square is finished, the car park will be resurfaced and will include two electric vehicle charging points, additional motorcycle parking and new cycle stands. Sowerby Bridge Square is part of the A58/A672 Corridor Improvement Programme (CIP), a programme of work which is worth over £5million and is being delivered in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The CIP aims to address long-standing issues with congestion, especially at peak times and reduce delays for local bus services.
- Sowerby Bridge Key Rings available at Thunderfix
Thunderfix has produced Sowerby Bridge Key Rings which help pay for the up keep of this website. So if you want to support the site please vist Thunderfix and pick one up, or you can even buy them through the online store. 
- River Levels High In Sowerby Bridge
River levels are high in Sowerby Bridge currently with heavy rain and more predicted. Take extra care.
- Road Works Sowerby Bridge (Northern Gas)
The major project is part of NGN’s ongoing development of infrastructure in Sowerby Bridge and will involve replacing 400m of existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes, to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come. The project, will begin on the 23rd of July and is scheduled to last 9 weeks. The work has been planned in conjunction with Calderdale Council to ensure we carry out the works with as minimal disruption to traffic as is feasible. In order to complete the works safely we will need to put the following traffic management in place: **Phase 1 - Bolton Brow between Gratrix Lane and Wakefield Road. 23rd of July for approximately 3 weeks:** Right turn into Wakefield Road will be suspended (a signed diversion route to be installed).\nAll traffic from Wakefield Road to flow into Bolton Brow as normal\nAccess to Gratrix Lane from Bolton Brow suspended. **Phase 2 - Bolton Brow between Gratrix Lane and Wakefield Road, Approximately 3 weeks.** Work to be extended on Bolton Brow towards traffic island at the top side of the junction with Wakefield Road (o/s Donaldson Veterinary Centre).\n\nExisting traffic signals to be suspended and replaced with 4 way temporary lights. \nTemporary signals to be manually controlled 7 days per week for full duration of works\nAccess to Wakefield Road from Bolton Brow now open but controlled via the temporary lights.\nRight turn suspended for HGV’s from Wakefield Road into Bolton Brow (a signed diversion route will be installed). Cars and smaller vehicles to access Bolton Brow maintained and can turn in either direction as normal. Gratrix Lane to remain closed during this phase.\n\n**Phase 3&4 – Bolton Brow & Wakefield Road, approximately 3 weeks.** \nTemporary 4 way lights to remain in place with head on Wakefield Road extended to allow works along Wakefield Road (as far as the school)\n\nAs both sides of the traffic island are now completed, all traffic (including HGV’s) can now turn left only.\n\n**Phase 4 – Bolton Brow between Wakefield Road and East Parade:** \nTemporary 4 way lights to remain in place with head on Bolton Brow extended to East Parade to allow works to be completed along Bolton Brow from the junction with Wakefield Road.\n\nSuspension of access to Bolton Brow from East Parade (a signed diversion to be installed)\nExisting pedestrian crossing (pelican) on Bolton Brow j/o East Parade to be suspended. A temporary crossing will be installed integral with the traffic signal head at that location\n\nThe works have been planned at this time to support the continuing works on Salterhebble being completed by the council.\n\nThe community care officer have been to the local area to speak with businesses and affected residents. Businesses have been aware that loss of business provisions are in place. \nWe are in the process of looking into alternative parking for residents affected on Wakefield.\n\nWhen the traffic management is put on we will have two experienced workers manning the lights and managing the traffic.\n\nA press release has been sent out and far reaching letters have been sent to the local community and beyond to communicate the works.
- Sowerby Bridge Bank Robbery
Sowerby Bridge is to be left without a bank after the last remaining branch ran by the Halifax announced its closure. The branch is set to close on 11th July 2018 The local post office offers banking services and a cash machine so it may be worth letting your feet do the talking and boycotting the banks that have let you down.
- Historic Puzzle Pub Saved
The historic Puzzle Hall Pub has been saved. The pub which dates back 400 years has been saved thanks to a local fundraising campaign which saw investors donating various amounts which allowed them to purchase the pub and go towards the final aim of reopening the venue. **For More Infomation Please Visit** [Facebook Page]( [Puzzle Website](
- New Business Listings Have been Added
We have added some new Business listings in our Business Directory. These include Squid Shock Tattoo, Larder Delicatessen, Albion Barbers, Moonbeam Cafe, Identity Hair Salon, Phillip Fearnley Photography to name but a few. We will be adding many more in the weeks and months ahead as well as poulating existing ones with more content as we receive it.
- New Business Listings Have been Added
We have added some new Business listings in our Business Directory. These include Squid Shock Tattoo, Larder Delicatessen, Albion Barbers, Moonbeam Cafe, Identity Hair Salon, Phillip Fearnley Photography to name but a few. We will be adding many more in the weeks and months ahead as well as poulating existing \nones with more content as we receive it.
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Thank you for following our website and Facebook feeds this year. We hope that some of the information has been of use to you. All posts, listings and promotion is done so on a voluntary basis if or when when we have free available time, so apologies that we cannot supply you with more content and information. Hopefully in the new year we will be adding more businesses that we have not got round to listing this year as well as making some general improvements. **Our roadmap for the website in the year ahead is as follows:** Add photos Add more business listings Add more useful community information List appropriate Events that we find beneficial to the community Promote Sowerby Bridge as a good Place to Live, Work, Visit and do Business Try to include articles from local people into the site to generate more content for people to read. Make the site cover its own costs through ad revenue All that is left to say is ### We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
- Autonomous Continious Integration for the delivery of News and Events
Time has been invested in researching the best platform for this website. It has the ability to deploy new information to our live site at the click of the button whilst still allowing us to continually develop new features. This is known as continuous integration and allows us to deploy new static builds of the website whenever we create additional content so whilst the site may look pretty basic, this is down to the functionality and so we can spend less time on site maintenance and more time on content. It also provides a fast page load speed so you do not have to use your buffer face. The site is optimised for mobile phones which should make it useful for when people are visiting and need quick snippets of information. The whole aim is to publicise Sowerby Bridge as a wonderful place to visit in order keep those businesses within Sowerby Bridge flourishing.
- Sowerby Bridge Railway Station granted two awards
Sowerby Bridge Railway Station has been granted two awards in this years Yorkshire in Bloom. They received a Platinum Award in the open Spaces Category. They also received a discretionary Yorkshire Rose Award which was the Yorkshire Rose Community Award.  Congratulations to all the volunteers for the hard work that has been put in over the last year to make the Railway Station a pleasant place to visit. **Related Links** []( [](